50+ Best Free Funky Fonts For Your Brand, Business or Design!

Our written communication has never been more important, and with the continued digitization of our lives, we're writing online more than ever. From text messages and social media posts to funky fonts for logos and book covers - what we write, and how we write it needs to not only be attractive but also accessible.

This is exactly why picking the right font is so important. Whether you're starting a new brand or business or simply need some ideas for a new graphic design project or advertisement, the perfect font can add value and character to your creation.

In the internet age, there is no dearth of free assets, graphics and fonts to incorporate into your new project. However, it is somewhat impossible and often overwhelming to filter through all the noise to get the perfect font that caters to your needs.

Bearing that in mind, we have put together a list of the best free and open-source funky fonts available on Google fonts so that you can choose the funky style and typography that works for you.

What to Keep in Mind When Choosing a Funky Font

The right font can make your communication more legible. But for many of us, fonts are a tricky thing to get the hang of. They may look good on paper, but not so much when they show up alongside emojis or at the end of a long paragraph.

When choosing a font, you should determine what your message is and who it's for. If the goal is to make a good first impression, like on a resume or business card, use something more formal.

Casual and funky fonts are best suited for more creative and informal projects. Of course, there are endless other factors to consider - the tone of the message, whether it's formal or informal; who you're trying to reach, and what you want them to feel when they read it.

Funky fonts are definitely fun! However, they should be used in moderation - or even when paired with a more formal font even if your message is particularly silly - but they're not ideal for most business communications. If you are writing long paragraphs in a font that is somewhat hard to decipher for the reader, they might get distracted by the noise and not be able to focus on the message that you are trying to convey. Funky fonts are great, but not if they take away from the main purpose - the content. Your content should always be the star of the show.

Our Top Picks For The Best Funky Fonts on Google Fonts

We've selected over 50 of our favorite funky fonts that are free and open-source so you can get started at a low cost and in no time. Take your pick!

1. Fruktur

Designed By: Viktoriya Grabowska
Fruktur is an open-source font and is available on GitHub

Fruktur font face sample

2. Rubik Beastly

Designed By: Luke Prowse
Rubik Beastly is an open-source font and is available on GitHub

Rubik Beastly font face sample

3. Are You Serious

Designed By: Robert Leuschke
Are You Serious is an open-source font and is available on GitHub

Are You Serious Font Sample

4. Rock Salt

Designed By: Slideshow

rock salt font face sample

5. Monoton

Designed By: Vernon Adams

Monoton font face sample

6. Fredericka the Great

Designed By: Tart Workshop

Fredericka the Great font face sample

7. Rye

Designed By: Nicole Fally

Rye font face sample

8. VT323

Designed By: Peter Hull

VT323 font face sample

9. Aladin

Designed By: Sudtipos

Aladin font face sample

10. Rampart One

Designed By: Fontworks Inc.
Rampart One is an open-source font and is available on GitHub

Rampart One font face sample

11. Tourney

Designed By: Tyler Finck
Tourney is an open-source font and is available on GitHub

Tourney font face sample

12. Love Ya Like A Sister

Designed By: Kimberly Geswein

Love Ya Like a Sister font face sample

13. Creepster

Designed By: Slideshow

Creepster font face sample

14. Wallpoet

Designed By: Lars Berggren

Wallpoet font face sample

15. Bungee Shade

Designed By: David Jonathan Ross
Bungee Shade is an open-source font and is available on GitHub

Bungee Shade font face sample

16. Emilys Candy

Designed By: Neapolitan

Emilys Candy font face sample

17. Vast Shadow

Designed By: Nicole Fally

Vast Shadow font face sample

18. Frijole

Designed By: Slideshow

Frijole font face sample

19. Zen Tokyo Zoo

Designed By: Yoshimichi Ohira
Zen Tokyo Zoo is an open-source font and is available on GitHub

Zen Tokyo Zoo font face sample

20. Finger Paint

Designed By: Carrois Apostrophe

Finger Paint font face sample

21. Festive

Designed By: Robert Leuschke
Festive is an open-source font and is available on GitHub

Festive font face sample

22. Ceviche One

Designed By: Miguel Hernandez

Ceviche One font face sample

23. Dokdo

Designed By: Fontrix

Dokdo font face sample

24. Freckle Face

Designed By: Astigmatic

Freckle Face font face sample

25. Fontdiner Swanky

Designed By: Font Diner

Fontdiner Swanky font face sample

26. Mountains of Christmas

Designed By: Tart Workshop

Mountains of Christmas font face sample

27. Ma Shan Zheng

Designed By: Ma ShanZheng

Ma Shan Zheng font face sample

28. Macondo Swash Caps

Designed By: John Vargas Beltrán

Macando Swash Caps  font face sample

29. Qahiri

Designed By: Khaled Hosny
Qahiri is an open-source font and is available on GitHub

Qahiri font face sample

30. Faster One

Designed By: Eduardo Tunni

Faster One font face sample

31. Trade Winds

Designed By: Slideshow

Trade Winds font face sample

32. Codystar

Designed By: Neapolitan

Codystar font face sample

33. Montserrat Subrayada

Designed By: Julieta Ulanovsky
Monteserrat Subrayada is an open-source font and is available on GitHub

Monteserrat Subrayada font face sample

34. Henny Penny

Designed By: Brownfox

Henny Penny font face sample

35. Kranky

Designed By: Slideshow

Kranky font face sample

36. Eater

Designed By: Typomondo

Eater font face sample

37. Palette Mosaic

Designed By: Shibuya Font
Palette Mosaic is an open-source font and is available on GitHub

Palette Mosaic font face sample

38. Kumar One Outline

Designed By: Indian Type Foundry
Kumar One Outline is an open-source font and is available on GitHub

Kumar One Outline font face sample

39. Miltonian

Designed By: Impallari Type

Miltonian font face sample

40. Londrina Shadow

Designed By: Marcelo Magalhães
Londrina Shadow is an open-source font and is available on GitHub

Londrina Shadow font face sample

41. Ruge Boogie

Designed By: Robert Leuschke
Ruge Boogie is an open-source font and is available on GitHub

Ruge Boogie font face sample

42. Snowburst One

Designed By: Annet Stirling

Snowburst One font face sample

43. Butcherman

Designed By: Typomondo

Butcherman font face sample

44. Bonbon

Designed By: Cyreal

Bonbon font face sample

45. Flavors

Designed By: Slideshow

Flavors font face sample

46. Caesar Dressing

Designed By: Open Window

Caesar Dressing font face sample

47. Nosifer

Designed By: Typomondo

Nosifer font face sample

48. Libre Barcode 39 Text

Designed By: Lasse Fister

Libre Barcode 39 Text font face sample

49. Barrio

Designed By: Omnibus-Type

Barrio font face sample

50. Akronim

Designed By: Grzegorz Klimczewski

Akronim font face sample